Algonquin Fixed Income 2.0 Old

Algonquin Fixed Income 2.0

The Evolution of Bond Funds

Fixed Income.

Fixed income 2.0 was launched to help Canadians get better outcomes from their fixed income investments.

Our approach is simple: rather than hunt for excess returns in lower-quality securities, we add more of
the good stuff. In that, we enhance yield and return potential through additional exposure to high-quality, investment-grade credit.

We do so by employing the tools and strategies used by large institutions and banks. !e advantage of
these strategies is a greater ability to enhance returns and manage risks.

The result is a product that can offer you more from your fixed income with the security of high-quality,
transparent, and understandable holdings.

Fixed Income 2.0.

1. Target Portfolio Yield: 6 – 8%
Enhance yield through exposure to investment-grade credit spreads.
2. Proactive Duration Management
The expertise and tools to proactively hedge and manage interest rate exposures.
3. Trading Strategies
Seek excess returns by capitalizing on inefficiencies within bond markets.

The Sum of The Parts:

Attractive income and return potential, regardless of the interest rate environment, through high-quality,
transparent, and understandable exposures.

• Investment-grade rated portfolio.
• Weekly liquidity.
• Quarterly distributions.

Fund Performance.



F Class as of  August 31, 2022

Disclaimer: The information is not investment or financial product advice and is not intended to be used as the basis for making an investment decision. This information is not, and does not constitute, an offer to sell or the solicitation, invitation or recommendation to purchase any securities. The information provided may be subject to change and Algonquin does not undertake any obligation to announce updates or changes to the information presented in this document. Algonquin Fixed Income 2.0 Fund is an Alternative Mutual Fund. Investors should read the Simplified Prospectus, Annual Information Form, and Fund Facts Documents and consult their registered investment dealer before making an investment decision. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and operating expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. An Alternative Mutual Fund is not guaranteed, its value changes frequently and its past performance is not indicative of future performance and may not be repeated. Payment of quarterly distributions is not guaranteed and paid at the discretion of the manager, therefore, it may vary from period to period and does not infer fund performance or rate of return.