Our Giving
2021 Charitable Giving
For our 2021 charitable giving, Algonquin partnered with the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada to offer 10 post-secondary scholarships and 10 bursaries to young adults transitioning out of foster care.
Every year in Canada, approximately 2300 young people ‘age out’ of the child welfare system and are suddenly confronted with navigating life on their own.
Given the costs and lack of family support, the financial burdens posed by higher education can prevent these youth from earning a degree or diploma.
We hope that through these scholarships and bursaries that we can help 20 young adults break the cycles of abuse, neglect, and poverty for themselves and future generations.
For more information on the great work Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada is doing, you can visit their website:
2020 Charitable Giving
The messaging of the initial pandemic response was simple and clear: stay at home.
Sadly for many Canadians, the home is not a safe place. A situation exacerbated by the increased stresses on individuals and households.
The result has been an increased need for shelter and support services for victims and survivors of abuse and violence. At the same time, the current economic realities mean the organizations providing these services are facing funding uncertainties.
To help bridge the gap, Algonquin Capital has made charitable donations to Nellie’s Shelter, the Redwood Shelter, and the Assaulted Women’s Helpline & Senior Support Line.
To learn more about the great work these organizations are doing and how you can support them, please refer to the information and links below.
The Assaulted Women’s Helpline & Senior Support Line.
The Assaulted Women’s Helpline offers a free 24-hour telephone line to all women who have experienced abuse, providing counselling, emotional support, information and referrals.
The Seniors Safety Line is the only 24-hour crisis and support line for seniors in Ontario who have experienced any type of abuse or neglect, with a live counsellor available to help navigate difficult systems, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Nellie’s operates a 36-bed Emergency Shelter and offers support services for women and their children who are leaving situations of violence, poverty, and homelessness.
The Redwood.
The Redwood offers shelter, safety, healing, and opportunities for growth for women and their children fleeing abuse, homelessness, and poverty.