Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs | May 2018

“Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable.” John Kenneth Galbraith For centuries, Italian chefs and vintners have been serving up a wide array of culinary delights. However last week, it was their politicians adding some spice and flavour to the markets, leaving many investors […]

Double Bubble: The ‘Bubble’ Bubble? | April 2018

“Bubble, bubble, you’re in trouble.” Duck Tales As long as humans are involved in the activities of investing and speculating, bubbles will occur. And while policymakers and academics debate whether and how to mitigate or lean against them, it is the job of investors to recognize irrational exuberance and have a plan for dealing with […]

Trade War, Huh, Yeah, What Is It Good For? | March 2018

“Trade wars are good, and easy to win.” Donald J Trump After months of protectionist rhetoric and threats of looming trade wars, it appears that the first shots have been fired. Trump followed-up his steel and aluminum levies by targeting $60bn worth of Chinese imports as recompense for the alleged misappropriation of American intellectual property. […]

It’s Not You, It’s Me | February 2018

“People change and forget to tell each other.” Lillian Hellman Ask any couple that has been together for a while, and they will tell you that relationships change. They go through phases, have their ups and downs, and experience shifts in dynamics. Through her neuroimaging research, Dr. Helen Fisher has even shown how our brain’s […]

Econophysics 101 | January 2018

“Gravity wants to bring me down.” John Mayer Since the Great Recession of 2008, interest rates, like early aviators, have had to contend with the power of gravity. But while the Wright Brothers were dealing with a natural physical force, the downward pressure exerted on bond yields has been an artificial phenomenon. Through aggressively cutting […]